Brookview Homeowners Association Ltd. (BHOA - formally BCAL)
About BHOA
What Is BHOA?
The Brookview Homeowners Association Ltd. (BHOA) is an incorporated non-profit body entirely funded by members' annual dues. Every resident of Brookview is a member as described in the encumbrance which is attached to every title in the community. Each member pays an annual fee, currently set by the members at $150 (plus GST) per year. This amount is levied on every lot in the community, whether developed or not. The fees are due each January 1 and an invoice is issued right after the AGM.
BHOA was established to enhance both the lifestyle and character of Brookview and its residents through the provision and maintenance of amenities throughout the neighbourhood. The Association holds an Annual Members' Meeting each year where any member can bring questions or concerns to the board and membership at large. At the annual meeting, a nine-member board of fellow Brookview residents is elected for two-year terms. The board oversees the day-to-day operations of BHOA and acts as a front line for dealings with outside parties and concerned residents.
The board holds regular meetings where routine administrative matters are dealt with, new ideas for the community are discussed and the proposed annual budget is prepared. These meetings are open to any interested residents. For information on the time and location of the next meeting, simply call any board member or the Association's administrator. You will find these names and phone numbers on the reverse side of this sheet.
What Does BHOA Do?
BHOA has been the driving force behind many of the features that make Brookview a great place to live. In the beginning the developer put in extra pathways and parklands to improve the sale of lots. BHOA maintains these additional amenities to ensure that housing values in the community are maintained. From the outset, BHOA has worked closely with the various levels of government and developers to ensure prudent and consistent development of the neighbourhood and surroundings. BHOA is consulted by the City of Edmonton with respect to development of transportation and zoning plans.
Brookview has the drypond and many beautiful treed walkways. BHOA is solely responsible for the maintenance of common areas not owned by the City and provides all grass cutting and snow removal for these areas. BHOA provides additional grass cutting and snow removal to lop up' City maintained areas to a level consistent with the neighbourhood's other spaces.
The walkway lights installed on the Burton Road walkway were contracted and paid for by BHOA. As well, additional lighting was installed in the Buchanan Road walkway. BHOA took over the last of the walkways owned by developers and upgraded them to Brookview standards by paving them, adding lighting where necessary, putting in garbage and dog litter receptacles and landscaping. In the last several years, area beautification has been a priority of the board. Many new trees were, and are, being added and a new permanent BHOA sign was installed on Bulyea off 40th Ave. to replace the temporary signage that was pervasive before. Recently BHOA has painted the fence around the outside of the community and improved the Bulyea Road entrance.
The Association put up the skating rink lights for the benefit of all residents. In close cooperation with the Brookview Community League (BCL), BHOA helps maintain the very high quality of ice. BHOA was instrumental in providing a parking lot for residents who wish to use the rink or playing fields.
With the Community League, BHOA is involved with the spring neighbourhood clean up, playground development and the Winter Carnival.
BHOA and the Community League
Membership in the Community League is voluntary, with an annual membership fee. A membership is required in order to participate in any activity organized by the Brookview Community League or any other City community league. These activities include skating lessons, various sports programs (soccer, ringette, hockey, etc.), activities at the George H. Luck School such as drop in badminton and basketball, aerobics classes, pre-school gym night and so on.
The Community League is responsible for recruiting and coordinating volunteers to organize and run these programs. It is the responsibility of the League to enter into leases with the City of Edmonton for the facilities located on Parks and Recreation Department land. These facilities include the playground, the tennis courts the skating rink and the rink change trailer.
The ultimate goal of the Brookview Community League (Edmonton) Society and the Brookview Homeowners Association Ltd. (BHOA) is to work together to meet the needs of all Brookview residents.
The Annual Members' Meeting:
Why Should You Attend?
BHOA must make significant decisions about what long-term direction it should take and what activities are appropriate for it to fund with the members'- annual dues. We have community facilities that are the envy of many older neighbourhoods. Most of the lots in Brookview are occupied and now is the time to plan ahead!
A number of worthy projects are available to the residents and members of the Brookview Homeowners Association. Consultation with all members is needed to choose what BHOA should be doing over the next several years.
The annual members' meeting is a forum for everyone to come out and have their say. The current board encourages all members to attend and help guide BHOA into the next phase of its existence.
Please plan to attend the Annual Members' Meeting to help shape the future of your community. The date for the meeting is not yet set, but you will receive notice of the date and time when it is about to occur. Come out, have a coffee and a doughnut, and give your input about the future of Brookview.
Important Documents
BCAL owned land.pdf (335 Kb)
Brookview Homeowners Association Certificate.pdf (411 Kb)
BHOA Articles of Association Filed Aug 1, 2023